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2012年1月30日,McAfee发布了一份委托位于比利时布鲁塞尔的欧洲智库SDA(Security & Defence Agenda,安全与防卫议程)所作的报告——Cyber-security: The Vexed Question of Global Rules(网络空间安全:全球规则的一个棘手难题)。 该报告首次对23个国家的网络空间安全防卫水平进行了评级。结果显示,没有一个国家处于最高级(五星),而中国获得了3星。
- Real-time global information sharing required
- Financial incentives for critical improvements in security for both private and public sectors
- Give more power to law enforcement to combat cross-border cyber crime
- Best practice-led international security standards need to be developed
- Diplomatic challenges facing global cyber treaties need to be addressed
- Public awareness campaigns that go beyond current programs to help citizens